ACF Theme Code for Advanced Custom Fields
When you publish, edit or update an ACF Field Group, the code required to implement each field is displayed for you in the Theme Code section at the bottom of the page.
The code is based on the ACF documentation and it’s automatically updated to match the fields you have created.
Use the clipboard icon to easily copy these code blocks and paste them into your theme to get you started and save loads of time!
Upgrade to ACF Theme Code Pro
ACF Theme Code Pro generates code for all ACF Pro field types including the Clone, Repeater, Gallery and Flexible Content field.
Our Pro version also generates code for a range of popular 3rd party fields and we generate code for location rules including Options Pages!
Find out more about ACF Theme Code Pro
- Easily copy the code into your theme
- Great for offline documentation
- Based on the official ACF documentation
- Field names and variables are automatically updated
- Text
- Text Area
- Number
- Password
- File (Object, URL and ID return values)
- Image (Object, URL and ID return values)
- Select (single and multiple values)
- Checkbox
- Radio
- True / False
- User
- Google Map
- Date Picker
- Colour Picker
- Page Link (single and multiple values)
- Post Object (single and multiple values)
- Relationship (Object and ID return values)
- Taxonomy (Checkbox, Multi Select, Radio Buttons and Select field types)