8 Best WordPress Starter Themes And Frameworks For New WP Developers

If you find the best WordPress starter theme for you, you can jump way way ahead in the learning curve of WP development. When getting into WordPress development with little or no dev experience beforehand, everything can seem a little overwhelming. The right theme or framework helps solve that problem.

If you want a head start on theme development, using a starter theme can be a good way to go early. Not only will you get a lot of basic code out of the way that would take many hours to set up as a beginner, you also have access to a clean theme that can show you exactly how you could go about building your own from scratch.

(If you are a complete beginner, you might have questions about some of the terms/technologies mentioned in this post, so I’ve included a section at the bottom of this post that explains what they are.)


Continue here: https://www.designbombs.com/8-best-wordpress-starter-themes-frameworks-new-wp-developers/

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