10 Drag and Drop WordPress Page Builders Worth Checking Out

There’s been an explosion of WordPress page builders in recent months, so many in fact it’s hard to know where to begin.

There are front-end builders and backend builders. And what’s the difference between a page builder and a theme builder? Many themes are also available now with built-in builders.

To help you get your head around what’s out there, I’ve put together 10 of the best front-end and backend page builder plugins available.

It’s important to note these are page builder plugins, not theme builders. Chris Knowles offers a clear explanation of the difference between page and theme builders as part of his series on WordPress Theme Builders.

Some page builders didn’t make the cut. Some hadn’t been updated in more than a year and others just didn’t match the functionality and user experience offered by the plugins below.


Περισσότερα εδώ: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/10-drag-and-drop-page-builders-wordpress/

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